

(¡Igual da!)

Sensibilization of the equalty of opportunities for women/men focused on professional insertion

Equalty Teatracció


Equalty! is an entertaining and encouraging interactive theatrical activity, that works on the equalty of opportunities female/male  focused on professional insertion of the teenagers.

The activity highlights both directly and indirctly the following aspects: 

‐ Definition of the concept of the equalty of opportunities. 

‐ Roles woman/man. 

‐ Professional stereotypes and male-oriented professions.

‐ Difficulties in employment because of gender differences (horizontal segregation).

‐ Balance of labor and family life and prejudice in business world. 

‐ Transmission of stereotypes through advertising.

‐ Primary socialization and distribution of the roles in a family.

The content of this theatrical activity was created in collaboration with specialist technicians linked to the area of economic promotion of Hospitalet del Llobregat Town Hall and Gladys Guerra, an educator.

The artistic and technical contents get renewed periodically.

Target audience

In order to reinforce the efficiency of prevention in an appropriate way we carry out performances for cohesive groups of youngsters of minimum 30 and maximum 120 spectators per session.

We also perform plays addressed exclusively to the groups of professionals (tecnicians in prevention, secondary school teachers, social educators) and groups of parents AMPAS.


  • Promote equalty between women and men in the context of pluralistic society respectful of the differences.
  • Define the concept of equal opportunities.
  • Reflect the roles woman and man.
  • Show the  professional stereotypes and male-oriented professions, and the difficulties that may appear in employment because of gender differences.
  • Talk about the balance of labor and family life and prejudice in business world and the difficulties caused by the latter.
  • Think about the  transmission of the stereotypes in advertising.
  • Highlight primary socialization and distribution of the roles in a family.
  • Create a space of a dialogue following the representation, which will allow to raise openly questions aroused in public.
  • Approach theatre to teenagers through showing how it is done and bring up in such a way the future spectators.

Development of the activity

The activity consists of two parts which complement each other:

In the first part three teenagers are represented in their school the last day of their studies before summer holidays. At the classroom the teahcer starts to explain the topic of the equalty of opportunities. Once introduced the topic, the young characters tell anecdotes and experiences from their environment, which are related to the topic treated in the theatre play. 

The second part consists of a debate, in which teenagers are invited to participate and reflect about the questions aroused during the performance.

Preparation of the group

It is recommended that the assisting group should be prepared about the topic before the performance. As well as a posterior work during mentoring should be done. For these activities we recommend some useful resources you can find at the following page:


Equalty Teatracció
Equalty Teatracció
Equalty Teatracció
