Technical requirements

Technical requirements

Technical requirements that should be considered for a proper performing of each of the theatre plays are detailed below:

Duration of the activity

Que sí, vida! (Oh, yes, life!), ¡¡¡No me ralles!!! (Don’t bother me!!!), ¡Ya está bien..! (That’s enough..!), ¡Igual da! (Equalty!) (1 h. y 30 mts)

Enreda@s (T@ngled) (1 h. y 15 mts)

Number of the assistants

In order to avoid dispersion and reach preventive effectiveness the number of the assistants is limited to a minimum of 30 and a maximum of 120 of young participants.

The time of montage of the stage and preparation of the actors – 1 h

The time of demount – 30 mts.

Space for performance

The performance can be carried out in a theatre, conference hall or also in a big classroom provided by the organising entity. As a matter of acoustics it is recommended that seating capacity of the hall should be less than 300 seats. Bad acoustics doesn’t allow to perform a play in good conditions, that’s why it is better to avoid gyms.

Stage space

The stage should have a measure of minimum 4 m wide x 3 m deep x 3 m high.


If the space disposes of its proper illumination system, the presence of a technician provided by the organising entity will be required. If it does not, Teatracció will bring an illumination system of 1.000W without additional cost. It’s necessary to use the light of the hall to develop the debate posterior to the performance.

Sound system

The use of a sound system is not necessary. We only use the sound system for the play “Oh, yes, life!” (“Que sí, vida!”) and it’s us who bring it. When we bring our sound system it can be connected to the sound system of the space where the performance takes place.

Coordinator of the assisting group

It is necessary that the organising entity provides the presence of a person responsible for coordination of the arrival and leaving of the group assisting to the activity.


It is essential that the group or groups of youngsters arrive on time in order to be able to start the activity at the appointed time.