
Teatracció is 20 years old

Teatracció is 20 years old

TEATRACCIÓ is 20 years old


Today 27 March 2020 is the World Theatre Day and today TEATRACCIÓ turns XX years old!

During these two decades we have presented more than 3.180 performances with the participation of more than 363.000 spectatores: teenagers and teachers.

We have carried Theatre of Social Intervention all over Catalonia, Andorra and Valencian Country, with theatre prevention plays OH, YES, LIFE!, DON’T BOTHER ME!!!, THAT’S ENOUGH..!, EQUALTY and T@NGLED. 

In the creative process the company Teatracció takes inspiration from the theatre dimension which embraces the pedagogy of the master Jacques Lecoq, the founder of l’Ecole Internacionale de Théâtre Jacques Lecoq in París (France).

This year we celebrate the 20th anniversary with the opening of TEATRACCIÓ International Theatre School based on Jacques Lecoq pedagogy. 

Our school is the continuation of the study programme developed by Estudis Berty Tovías – International Theatre School in Barcelona.

The programme of the Professional Studies has a duration of two years and is divided into two differentiated levels. The first level is dedicated to the development of dramatic play and acting skills of high quality. During the second level an approach to different drama territories is realized.

The programme is intended to develop and increase the capacity of observation and documenting as tools for nourishing the process of creation. The tecnique and imagination are trained.

Each week students in groups prepare workshops which they present to the teachers and the analysis of learning process is done. Several times per year the pieces of creation from the workshops are performed in public.

During two years students make a journey through a variety of dramatic art areas.