T@ngled. Performances 2023



Performances 2023

Performances in Barcelona

On the 31 January 2023 we performed the play T@ngled, prevention of the risks in social networks, at the conference hall of Casal de Jóvenes Palau Alós, in the district of Born in Barcelona. The performance was done for the teenagers of Casal de Jóvenes of Raval, a very attentive public that enjoyed this theatrical experience performed by the actors Jorge Tienza and Anna Tereshchenko and directed by Angel Bonora. After the performance the teenagers participated very actively in the debate opened by the actors regarding the issue of the riscs in the social networks.

Article in Crónica Global

Sara Cid, a journalist from the digital newspaper Grónica Global attended the performance. Sara enjoyed the activity and evaluated positively the work done by Teatracció reflecting in her article the importance of the theatre as an efficient educational tool to connect with the teenagers. In the article the director of the company Teatracció, Angel Bonora, explains the projject and its development.

Performances in Salou

On the 24 of Februrary Teatracció did 2 performances of T@ngled for the teenagers of the Secondary school of Institut Marta Mata in the Teatre Auditori of Salou. The play was performed by the actors Anna Tereshchenko and Calros Lopez. 240 teenagers enjoyed the performances and participated in the posterior debate. The main purpose of the debate is to create a space where the teenagers could participate and express their opinion stimulating in such a way reflection and critical thinking.

The riscs in social networks and the use of monitors has become an issue of great preocupation for the educational communities. With this theatrical proposal we work on prevention as well as raising awareness and essentially communicate to the teenagers that the digital era has its advantages and risks. We must be conscious of that and make a responsible use of social networks and monitors.
