Reimaginem with Barcelona Activa

Reimaginem with Barcelona Activa

On the 7th of May we attended the closing day of the education Programme Reimaginem of Barcelona Activa, where the participating entities, as well as Teatracció, have presented their prototypes: INSTA, Col·lectiu Punt 6, Fundació Prevent, La Perifèrica, Teatracció, Fundació Rubricatus, La Taula, COLPIS, IE Mirades y DESOS.
Reimaginem is a programme that helps to transform and foster the resilience of companies and entities with practice and values of the Social and Solidary Economy.
The programme offers specific solutions to respond the needs or challenges and help to grow understanding diverse contexts that surround and condition the organizations. It’s a high quality programme that has provided us tools to improve internal management and comercialization of our services.

Teatracció is an entity that develops varied activity. It is composed of the Theatre company of prevention for teenagers, the International Theatre School, that delivers Professional Studies in physical theatre, Jacques Lecoq pedagogy, and Theatre Workshops for children, teenagers, adults and theatre in English, which are open to all the persons interested in theatre.

We are grateful to Barcelona Activa for the training that has provided us with the useful tools that will undoubtedly help us to impulse our activity.

Compañía de teatro
Compañía de teatro