Professional Studies in Physical Theatre

Formación profesional en teatro físico

Professional studies in physical theatre

Course 2024 - 2025

The 8th of October we begin the classes of Professional Studies in Physical Theatre, Jacques Lecoq pedagogy. Professional Studies is intensive and consists of two anual courses from October to June, for persons over 18 years old. The programme is divided into two differentiated levels. The first level is dedicated to the development of dramatic play and acting skills of high quality. During the second level an approach to different drama territories is realized.

During the studies students do weekly creation workshops that allow them adquire solid tools for theatrical creation and develop their potential no only as actors, but also as directors, playwrites and stage designers, to create their own theatre plays.

An important part of the pedagogy is dedicated to the study of the mask, the neutral mask in particular. Work with the mask favours the primacy of the gesture rather than verbal expression, major interaction with the public, more complete use of the stage space and the priority of the physical action over the word.


This year, in order to facilitate the access to the studies, the school gives an opportunityfor all the interested to apply and offers scholarships for the course 2024/2025. The usual price of each course is 4.200 €. With the scholarship the price is reduced by 25% (1.050€), so that the final price of the course is 3.150 €.

Registration opens

The course starts on the 8th of October 2024 and finishes on the 20th of June 2025. The registration is open until the 1st of October 2024.

To enroll you have to send us the following documents to the e-mail
– Curriculum Vitae,
– Motivation Letter,
– passport size photo.

End-of-the-course performance

We finished the course 2023 – 2024 of the Professional Studies with The Night of Documents” where the students presented their self-created workshops. The topic of the night, chosenby the students, was “A supermarket”. The document consists in doing an excercise of observation and documentation in different spaces and translate it to the language of theatre afterwards. 

Apart from the document the students also presented several workshops.
Animals: where they represent a variety of animals with their dynamics, that address the typologies of characters.
: presentation of 2 poems of Palestinian poets expressed through the corporal movement, emotions and space. (“The cry – the gril” by Mahmud Darwish and “If I have  to die” by Refaat Alareer).
Painting: set in motion of the dynamics of the picture “Guernica” of Pablo Picasso. The students gave life to the images from the picture, through the movement, expressiveness and emotions that it evokes.
Congratulations to our students for the excellent work they have done!

Formación profesional en teatro físico
Formación profesional en teatro físico
Professional Studies in Physical Theatre
Formación profesional en teatro físico