How we work

How we work

The Theatre of Social Intervention has an objective to complement and stimulate the programmes of intervention and existing actions to raise awareness, provide information and prevention of risky attitudes and behaviour. Teatracció creates theatre plays dedicated to different psychosocial problems. We treat topics such as HIV/AIDS and negotiation of emotional and sexual issues, drug addiction, violence among equals, gender iqualty, the use of screens and social networks, violence in a couple…).

Theatre plays of this interactive theatre are activities that take place mostly in schools and areas of leisure activities. These plays are ideal to be incorporated into community prevention projects or specific actions organized in Catalonia.

The principal characteristic in the way we work is using the information and education strategy in an intertaining and humorous way different from the common way. Moreover, the innovating pedagogic activity such as theatrical intervention allows to establish a connection with the youngsters and approach the topics of their concern or close to their reality.

We elaborate the contents of the topics treated in a process of investigation and documentation. Teatracció works in collaboration with educators and technicians linked to specialized entities on the specific problems.