How do I love you?

How do I love you?

Prevention of the male violence


How do I love you? is a forum teatre  play that complements and stimulates  intervention programmes and existing actions dedicated to the information, prevention and awareness of the gender violence among teenagers.

Theatre play How do I love you? is aimed at the prevention of the gender violence and violent attitudes and behaviour in a relationship of teenagers. We enter into human passions to investigate when and why comes the moment when love turns into hate. The relationship instead of bringing joy and wellbeing becomes toxic and bad starting to seem a labyrinth with no way out.

Through the activity we work on different types of violence:

  • psychological violence,

  • physical violence,

  • sexual violence,

  • domestic violence,

  • economic violence,

  • cyberbullying.

It’s an educative resource to work on the prevention approaching the mechanismes of voilence, such as the spiral of violence. How to put the limits to the violent acts and attitudes? The respect, empathy and affection are the essential elements to build a healthy affective relationship.

In the play physical theatre is merged with text theatre reaching a tragicomic language. The play is composed of various scenes where characters live dramatic situations in which violence in different degrees is present. There is a buffoonish and poetic character similiar to Cupid, who underpins the narrative. Cupid shoots arrows, but sometimes love is blind…

Target audience

In order to reinforce the efficiency of prevention in an appropriate way we carry out performances for cohesive groups of youngsters of 120 spectators per session maximum .

We also perform plays addressed exclusively to the groups of professionals (tecnicians in prevention, secondary school teachers, social educators) and groups of parents AFAS.

Com t'estimo?
Com t'estimo?
Como te quiero?


  • Question the youngsters about the gender violence that surrounds them through different conflictive situations with which they feel identified, giving way to further dialogue.
  • “De-dramatise” the discussion of this issue providing at the same time all the necessary rigor through a scenic proposal which implies attractive, lively and evocative language.
  • Provide tools that will help the teenagers to identify different types of violence. Intervene to avoid that abusive relations install and become chronic.
  • Promote ethical values, atitudes and behaviour that sustain healthy relationship.
  • Stimulate reflection, so that a youngster could considerate how to act adequately in situations where family relationships and relationships among equals can be interpreted as “actions” which make raise the “alarm bells”.
  • To stimulate the youngsters to be able to make a positive choice and make responsible and independent decisions when they face violent and conflicting situations.
  • Give young people an approach to the theatre showing how it is done, stimulating and strengthening future spectators.

Development of the activity

The activity consists of two parts which complement each other:

1st part: various scenes dedicated to different types of gender violence are represented. We tackle the violence in a couple in all its types and forms. The play is focused most of all on the male violencia, but also includes scenes of intragender violence

2nd part: The 2nd part opens a theatrical debate that invites the public to participate actively raising and discussing the questions evoked during the presentation.

Preparation of the group

It is advisable to inform the group which is going to assist about the subject beforehand and analyse it afterwards during a tutorial. We recommend the following materials.