Blended format

Blended format

Performance with 1 actor on-site

This is the option that we recommend if the performances on-site are impossible to be done due to the restrictions becuase of the pandemic.

Number of participants: from 30 to 90 teenagers maximum according to the space to perform.

Space of the performance: the activity can be done in a classroom (30 teenagers maximum) or another space considered more appropriate (in groups of more than 30 an less than 90 teenagers).

Procedure: first the play is seen and then the debate is developed. The actor will bring a pendrive with the record of tha theatre play to connect it to the computer o another device in tne space where the activity will be done; it is also possible to see the play in Youtube.

To see the play the best way is to use  a big screen for the whole group; in case if the space is not equipped with a big screen the group of teenagers can be divided into  subgroups, each one with one device.

The advantage of this type of performance is that it simplifies a lot the informatics issue and the teenagers will have a face-to-face communication with an actor, which approaches closer to the theatre on-site format.

Actuació en format digital. Semi-presencial